Travel news Congo

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  • Flights

DRC Congo Airways Congo Airways to restart on August 15

Congo Airways has announced through its Linked-In channel the resumption of its flights as of August 15. More information to follow.

  • Flights

Gabon Afrijet Gabon: Afrijet obtains its IOSA certification

Afrijet complies with the requirements of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The private Gabonese company has just obtained its IOSA (Iata Operational Safety Audit) certification, announces the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC).

Valid for a period of two years, renewable, this certification confirms the G… read more

  • Flights

Mali Sky Mali Sky Mali obtains its air operator license

Sky Mali now has all the necessary authorizations to start its commercial operations, after having passed its test flight between Bamako - Kayes a few days ago. The new Malian national company received this Tuesday, July 21, 2020, its air operation license (PEA), issued by the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac)

From… read more

  • Destinations

DRC Democratic-Republic-of-the-Congo DRC reopens borders on August 15

Domestic and international flights will be able to resume in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from August 15, 2020. It is indeed on this day that the country will reopen its air, sea and land borders, and will allow the resumption of migratory movements between its different provinces. This is what emerges from the speech of Pre… read more

  • Destinations

AA Travenews DRC waiting for visitors

As the global community of tourists await a final end to the COVID- 19 scare which has crippled tourism around the world, many options await tourists who would like to explore beautiful safaris. The beautiful scenes in Democratic Republic of Congo has been tipped as a must- visit.

In a report by, the Democratic Republic of … read more

  • Flights

Congo Trans Air Congo Trans Air Congo to resume domestic ops

The gradual resumption of Trans Air Congo (Tac) flights begins on Tuesday.

The Congolese private company plans to relaunch its Pointe Noire - Brazzaville route this morning. From Monday to Saturday, flight Q8201 will take off from Agostinho-Neto international airport at 8:00 am, and will land in the Congolese capital at… read more

  • Flights
  • Opinion

Nigeria The politics of saving Nigerian domestic airlines

Global airlines are once again taking to the skies as nations ease the lockdown to salvage the economy. With the curve still not flattening in many parts of the world, a new mode of living and of doing businesses are now emerging. It is the era of a new normal!

Unlike the golden age of modern air travel that just rolled by unannounced, airlines a… read more

  • Travel-tech

AA Travenews Internet cost in Africa far too high

The average cost of 1GB of data on the continent is 7.12 percent of average income, with some countries having rates as high as 20 percent

Taxing internet access / restricting social media access seen as counterproductive and repressiveAfrica’s internet duopolists MTN and Airtel challenged to improve reliability, speed and to substant… read more

  • Flights

Uganda UWA suspends boat trips on Murchison falls

Uganda Wildlife Authority-UWA has temporarily suspended tourist boat trips to some part of Murchison Falls National Park in Nwoya and Masindi districts after River Nile burst its banks.

In a press statement issued on Monday morning, UWA says the rising water level has submerged the landing points for ferries on both sides of the fal… read more

  • Flights

DRC Congo Airways Congo Airways changes order from Embraer E175 to E190-E2 jets

The new deal has a total value of USD 256 million at current list prices with all purchase rights exercised, and will be included in Embraer’s second quarter backlog.

Desire Bantu, CEO of Congo Airways said, “These new jets will be replacing our legacy turboprops and will allow us to extend our operations within the Democratic Repub… read more

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